Friday, August 1, 2008

Flashback Friday: My job

So since it's Friday and I'm still in Logan (shock!) I can do a Flashback Friday post. Today I'd like to remember my most favorite job I've ever been paid for. It's a job that I remember fondly, and I remember it really well. Mostly because I just had my last day today so it's still pretty fresh on the brain. Today was my last day in the labs. The last day that I will be paid to watch tv or do my homework or chat with my friends in the library. It was the last day of the most relaxed job I will ever own. I really can't think of another job that I could ever have that would be as laid back as this job. Even though sometimes it could get tedious and a little mind numbing (read: summer.....) I loved this job. So I will now leave you with a collective list of some of our favorite and not so favorite things to hear while we worked in the labs. Here's to all my friends and coworkers that I will miss a lot, SLS Super Consultants for life!

"Do you have a stapler?"
"What if I don't have my card?"
"But I thought I had free copies."
"Will you proof-read my paper?"
"I can't find my email." (only applies to summer shifts) ;)
"If I printed something where would it go?"
"There will be breakfast!"
"Is there a waiting list?"
"But I didn't mean to print 3 blank pages at the end of it...."

If you know some that I didn't include feel free to comment with any extras that I've forgotten.


Haley said...

I think I've said at least two of those things at least once. On behalf of the ignorant USU students I apologize. :)

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

"How do I turn the computer on?" (another Summer term one) :)

I loved this! A good time for me to reminisce as well. I can't wait for you to be down here!!!

Emily said...

LONG LIVE THE COMPUTER LABS!!! I must admit, I am VERY excited about getting back to that job come fall.

Mike and Barbara said...

haha! Oh how I miss the labs! You forgot one... "I can't talk on my cell phone in here?" I am excited for you to move to Salt Lake. Maybe I will see you sometime!

Celeste Louise said...

I think the comment I will miss the most is: "My computer screwed something up and now its not working." I always wanted to say "Let's not play the blame game...Computers only do what they're told!"