Thursday, July 1, 2010


I am bothered. I have had several job interviews in the past couple weeks, which is exciting since I have a job but would like to work closer to home, full time. I am not worried about not getting these jobs because again, I have a job. I had 2 interviews last week. I expected to hear from one on Monday and one on Tuesday. I was assured by the interviewers that I would hear by those days. When I hadn't heard from either one on Wednesday I already knew I didn't get the jobs. If they were going to offer it to me they would have called me asap.

I finally heard from both today. What really bothers me is how I heard. They sent me letters. Like I didn't make it into a college or something. Like they had 2000 applicants for one position and couldn't be bothered to call them all back with the bad news. What REALLY bothers me is that the letter from the job I was really hoping I would get is full of lies. First of all they are both completely form letters. "I regret to inform you that we have decided to go with another candidate." But this one is signed by the principal... who wasn't even at my interview. He was "out of the building" during the interviews and so to get a letter, signed by him, telling me "you interviewed very well" and that "it was a pleasure meeting with you", that just really irritates me. Just call me. I would rather you would call me the second I walked out of the interview and tell me "we're not even going to continue considering you because you just didn't feel right for the job." They didn't even call my references. If you feel that strongly about hiring someone else then let me know so that I can move on with my life and start revamping my lesson plans for the job I DO have.

That being said I'm going to stop telling people about any interviews I have at all. I feel like such a loser when I have to admit I didn't get the position. I'm a good teacher. I promise. I think these schools are just so intimidated by how awesome they can tell I will be that they don't know how to move forward with hiring me. That or they are all just prejudice against midgets. Is there a lawsuit I can file for this?


Megan Allen said...

If I were a principal you would be the first teacher I'd hire.

Heather said...

Don't feel too bad. It's like dating. Guys don't want to date me a second time because they get really nervous around my aura of goddess-ness. You ARE an awesome teacher and I will be sad if you go somewhere else!

Jo Mama said...

I hadn't considered the size aspect. I guess it is possible that they want a teacher bigger than the kids. :) Don't worry. Be happy. La lala lalalalala. Now you sing it. Don't you feel better already. Love that song.

Ren said...

I'm going to be a lawyer. I recommend we go for the discrimination of minorities in the work place. You'd get every job you applied too, and simultaneously be hated for it!

Anonymous said...

That's right Amy. They are just intimidated by your awesomeness. I do have to admit that I was intimidated the first time we met. "That girl is too awesome for me", I thought. But you kept me around anyways. :) PS We DO need to get together sometime!

Unknown said...

We've stopped telling people when we interview or even get a callback because we're tired of telling people we didn't get it. sorry you didn't get it. glad you have a backup job.