Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why I do the things I do

Yesterday I spent a fair amount of time reading everyone else's blogs trying to figure out what people wrote about so that I could write things that were equally funny or important or whatever. That's when I realized something about myself, I copy everyone else. I am most definitely a follower in most aspects of my life. Even when I was a "leader" in high school by being on student government, I'm pretty sure it was either because someone much cooler than myself had done it in the past. That or someone told me to do it.
That's pretty much how my life goes, I just do what I'm told and what everyone else is doing. I can remember when I was younger I wanted to do everything my friend Katie did. She wanted to be a cosmetologist so I was going to do that my senior year of high school. I would have been horrible at cosmetology good thing she changed her mind. After that she wanted to be an interior designer so I told my family I wanted to do that too. I think they steered me away from that after I suggested some horrible carpet to my grandma when she was redecorating. Katie actually is an interior designer, living in New York City and loving it (I'm pretty sure), so my goal of being just like her failed I guess. I guess if she reads this I should apologize cause I'm sure it was really annoying. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? That's probably my only excuse.
Don't get me wrong, I love how my life has turned out. I'm really excited to start teaching and I really enjoy the things I do. I guess I'm not alone either. Most of the things people do are probably the result of following someone else. Not everyone can be the first person to think of new things.
I guess the point of this post is to let you all know that if I tell you I like your outfit and then I show up wearing the exact same thing the next day it's not because I am trying to be annoying, it's just I didn't have the great idea to get the same thing on my own. I had to wait for you to have it first.


Kirsten Krason said...

You can copy me anytime. I would be very flattered and then I would have to kill you.

Janell R. Cropper said...

well, I copied you on the cute black sunday shoes. :) I finally found a pair, after asking all the girls at EFY where they got them!

Lauren said...

Amy, I already like your blog and you've only posted twice. So about that Praxis test...I took the wrong one. Utah won't give any kind of credit for it. So, I paid another $80 and will be taking another test in June, right before the conference. Hooray, I can't wait. Hope your finals went well!