Age 3- My mom had her gallbladder or appendix or something removed on that birthday so my grandma threw my party for me. I don't really remember that but I do remember I got one of those dolls that has a dress that flips up and makes the doll a cupcake.
Age 5 or 6... I don't remember which year it was but my good friend Rebecca Kesler gave me a Belle barbie doll which she had already cut the hair off of.
Age 12- My friends and I planned the party on our own and we decided to decorate my basement. We walked to the grocery store (Days marketplace) and looked for balloons and crape paper. They had balloons but no other decorations and so we bought a case of toilet paper instead and we went to town on my basement. That is when my love of toilet papering the insides of houses began. (That will have to be another flashback story.... someone remind me some day)
Ages 13 thru 16- My mom didn't throw us parties once we reached a certain age and it seemed as I got older all of my friends began to plan their summer vacations on my birthday and so it was hard to find a time when everyone would be around. So for birthdays 13 - 16 my friend Caroline Wessel and I would walk to the grocery store, buy a cake and 2 cartons of frosting and then make the cake while we ate the extra frosting. After we had finished the cake we would then continue to eat most of the cake as well. To make my 16th birthday special, we drove to the store to buy the cake!
Age 16.5- After school had started (November to be exact) some of my friends realized I didn't have a sweet 16 party. So in an effort to make up for that and as an excuse to invite over some boys we had a make-up birthday party where we played all the games we'd played as kids at my birthday parties and I think I may have even received a present. The night was finished off with a cake fight.
Age 18- I had just graduated high school and had already moved most of my belongings to Logan. I had said goodbye to most of my friends because I knew I wasn't staying around for the summer. Orem was having summerfest so there was going to be a parade and fireworks and a carnival all for my birthday! Unfortunately the girls I went with decided they wanted to spend the evening at a girls home that I wasn't invited to. (I probably could have gone but I didn't have a really good history with this girl) Since I drove I had to take them to the party and then I thought I would just have to go home and be sad all by myself. Instead my best friend Emily saved the day and called just as I was driving home to tell me she had come home a day early from Disneyland to surprise me for my birthday. I drove up to her house and was able to watch the fireworks from her living room window. We then went to our friend Tylers home where we continued the night according to the well thought out and written down plan that Tyler had brain stormed on his own. He really typed it out and everything. This was the plan. "Go to Wendy's because Tyler is hungry" So that's what we did. Later that week Emily and I took 2 friends and we went to a movie and roller skating at Classic Skating so any let downs from the actual day of my birthday was completely made up for.
Age 20- This will be a long one cause it was probably the best birthday ever, plus I was old enough to remember it. I was living in Alaska on my 20th birthday and I had told my roommate all I wanted for my birthday was to see a bear. The 12th happened to fall on a monday which was my day off from work anyways so I didn't even have to ask for it off. My roommate and I decided to sign up to take a bus trip into Denali National Park since that was the most likely place for me to see a bear. My roommate Kim was amazing and I love her to pieces. When she found out that I had never had a surprise party she talked to a bunch of our friends that were from Utah and invited them all to a surprise party at exactly 12:00 the morning of my birthday. Most of my friends were working as housekeepers at the hotel and so they had to be to work early in the morning but they set their alarms and they woke up to welcome in the day and to celebrate with me. I knew something was up when Kim forced to sit in the lobby in a certain chair with my back to the stairwell that led to the rec room of our employee housing. She was acting all strange and I could tell she was looking at something while she sat directly in front of me not letting me move. Then at midnight she had this sudden need to go up to the rec room right away! so we ran up there and all of my sleepy friends were sitting up there with their pajamas on. They were so nice. They sang and handed me a package of candles... we had no cake so they just gave me candles and then they gave me food they had stolen from the lunch room as my gifts. Food was hard to come by so every bag of chips and small box of cereal was greatly appreciated. The party lasted about 10 minutes before they had to go back to bed. It was wonderful. The few of us who didn't work in the morning stayed up till 2 talking and laughing and then Kim and I went to bed.
We got up the next morning at 5 so that we could be ready to catch the 5:45 bus into the park. We made it into the tour and we ended up on a bus full of a tour group from Australia. They were the nicest people and they even sang to me when they found out it was my birthday. We saw lots of great stuff including 13 bears, a herd of caribou, a herd of Dahl sheep, and Denali herself . I was not disappointed one bit! Below is a picture of Sassy, the bear that we named because she just sat and ate by the side of the road and didn't even care that 3 tour buses were stopped feet away from her.

So all in all I've had some really good birthdays and now they can be remembered forever! Yay for me being born!
Yay! Flashback Fridays are the best. I can't believe you did all those birthday memories. Way to go and happy birthday!!!!
Just so you know, I read your 16.5 "make-up" party as a "make-out" party.
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