For our wedding we got a fondue pot from my uncle Robert. We were REALLY excited to try it out. But of course we were scared to try something we'd never done before. We'd decided with our friends Ann and James that we were going to have a fondue night sometime soon. Well Brad and I got talking and we decided we were really scared to try the fondue pot with friends before we knew what the heck we were doing on our own. Oh man.... Ann and James you

should be thankful we decided to try it first. Brad found a recipe for a cheddar ranch dip that sounded pretty good. So we went to the store to try to find the ingredients. The first thing on the recipe that we wanted to find a substitute for was the white wine. I know, I know, "it burns off the alcohol". But the last time someone in my family decided to put wine in something that I had to eat just the flavor of the wine ruined my mashed potatos and gravy and that's my favorite part of almost any meal so I wasn't going to use it. We found some alternatives and decided to go with that. The next problem was it called for white cheddar cheese. Walmart doesn't carry that so we went with good ol' orange cheddar. So we got all of the things that we would need gathered together and we started cooking. Brad had the recipe so he was in charge of handing me the ingredients and I would mix them in. We got to the flour and he hands me 1 1/2 cups of flour. I pour them in and the food immediately becomes as thick as playdough and there isn't even any cheese in the mix yet. I thought........ "hmm this doesn't seem to be right, how can you dip into this?" I went and looked at the recipe and sure enough it was 1 1/2
TABLESPOONS of flour not cups. So we went back to the grocery store because we had already added the ranch powder and didn't have a second package so we bought another one and we tried again. It came out ok the second time around. We did learn a few things though. First of all being that the recipe we used could feed an army and we should have cut it down. And secondly we learned you can only eat so much cheddar cheese dip before you become sick of the grease. All in all though it was fun to try something new.
So Ann, my vote is chocolate or caramel dip and we'll call it desert when we have dinner how does that sound?
Dessert sounds great! And I have a yummy cheese recipe if you want to go down that route again. You guys aren't the only ones who make blundering recipe mistakes. I accidentally added 1 1/4 cups sugar to pizza dough instead of just 1/4 cup. Let's just say it was interesting!
Three Things:
1) Hooray for fondue! I heart it!
2) You like mashed potatoes?! Did you know potatoes are vegetables?!, and...
3) You cook?!
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