About 2 days ago I was walking out to my car and I thought I saw something beneath it. I looked under from my side but couldn't see anything. It was cold and so I didn't want to walk around my car so I just got in and as I pulled away I looked back in my spot but there was nothing there. Strange. Yesterday was a smiliar experience. Today I stayed after school for awhile preparing some stuff so when I left the parking lot wasn't really as full so I walked around my car and looked under the car. Any guesses what I saw? (I hope Grandma Ginny isn't reading this....) I saw the head and the front paw of a dead, decomposing, cat. It was just hanging kind of behind my wheel! I was so grossed out and I didn't know what to do and even though I'm pretty sure I've driven with it there for awhile I couldn't make myself drive with it there again.
I first called Brad to find out what he thought I should do about it. He told me to just go home and he'd figure it out tonight. I then called my mom to tell her and she just laughed at me while I wretched just thinking about it. Neither of those responses were going to help me since I couldn't make myself get inside the car. Because there was the shooting at the school last week the parking lots have lots of police officers patroling around after school. So I decided that maybe I should ask a police officer what he thought I should do. There happened to be 2 Salt Lake County Sheriff's vehicles parked next to each other at the other end of the lot. So I walked down and they rolled down their window to see what I needed. I said to them "I have kind of an odd question/request?" The very nice policeman said "I doubt it's that strange. We hear really strange things." (I thought, "Don't speak so quickly mr. policeman.") So I said to the policeman, "What do you do if there is a dead cat hanging underneath your car?" They both just started laughing at me while I proceeded to laugh/cry/gag. They suggested I drive to Jiffy Lube to make them take care of it but decided that first they really wanted to look at the dead cat. They drove over to my car and then sat and poked it with their batons for awhile before they decided they might be able to get it out themselves. They had me pop my hood and they found where it was twisted up in my axle. Apparently the cat had gotten on my tire to stay warm and it didn't move when I started my car and it got sucked up into the axle when I backed away.

The police did admit that it was indeed a strange situation and they were not expecting that when I walked up. They also threatened to write me a ticket for being a cat killer so that they could get paid for doing my dirty work. I have a picture of the cat after they got it down.... but I probably shouldn't put it up on here because it might make some people cry. It actually didn't look too bad. But still! It was a dead and decomposing cat! Much thanks to Officers Wilkins and Adamson for dealing with my problems so I didn't have to!
Wow, you did have a strange adventure. Thanks for not posting gross pictures. I appreciate it because my curiosity would have been my downfall. Gagging would turn to worse....
Cats are generally worth about 2 points for hitting them. So I give you double points for getting it wrapped around your axle, and an extra point for getting someone else to clean it up. Keep an eye out for bikers, Saturday is approaching and they are worth double points if you can clip 'em.
I'm sorry I laughed. It was just so funny and you were sounding a little border-line hysterical so I was trying to be as helpful as I could. I admire your bravery in asking the cops for help. I would have driven around waiting for it to fall off- no matter how long it took or how bad it smelled- before I would have asked for help.
You forgot to put that they suggested going really fast over speed bumps. I thought that was great.
"What did it look like before you hit it?"
What I think is funny is that you busted out your camera to take pictures of the event. I'm sure you were thinking, "This will be a good blog entry!" I would have to agree.
Oh my ... that is so funny! I have always been worried that our neighbor cat would forget to move from my tire, now I know what happens. One of our neighbors found a cat frozen in place by the dumpsters once and I thought that was gross but I think you win! lol!
PS I just had the horrible thought that now you have something else to worry about. lol (still)
D: Oh no! Now I'm sorry I clicked on that link to read this terrible story. You knew I love cats! Can we even be friends anymore?!? The poor mangy flea-ridden feral feline!
Yesterday I went to Jiffy Lube to get the oil changed in the car I recently acquired from my brother. When it was time to go the Jiffy Luble people came in and said "What did you hit?" And I said, "I didn't." And they said, "The undercarriage of your car is covered in blood and fur." They concluded that a cat had crawled up on the wheel and had gotten smashed. Sad! and gross!
Oh. My. SICK!!!!!! That's so sad/awful! Boo. I'm sorry!
Ha ha ha! I don't know what I would do! I don't like cats, but I think I would feel the same way you did. . . I for sure wouldn't touch the thing! Funny story!
Okay when you said "hanging behind my wheel" I thought you meant like hanging OUT behind your wheel. Like it was dead, but squished on the ground BEHIND your wheel. I thought "that's not that gross... it's just a cat she ran over, back away and don't park there again." Later I realized you actually MEANT that it was HANGING behind your wheel. HA HA HA. I hate cats, but I can't help but think of poor Sally and Johnny wondering where Whiskers has gone... you should go back to the parking lot and get the remains so you can give it a decent burial.
People's comments on you story are the best part of the experience. But what does your mom mean about having something else to worry about?
:) You should've kept the cat. hehe, just kidding. Just remember, all cats go to heaven, too, and now you have 2 cop buddies!
That's one of the funniest things I've read in a long time!
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