Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My muffin

I'm sick of writing about what I do, because lets be honest I haven't done much lately. So here is a story about the love of my life, Muffin.

My husband has the exact same name as his father, with a junior tacked on the end. His whole family calls him Brad which is his middle name. But when I met him that wasn't the name he gave me. You see, when he moved in the fifth grade his new teacher called him by the name that was printed on the roll. He is a shy guy and so he didn't tell the teacher that he went by his middle name and so his classmates began calling him by his first name, not knowing that this wasn't normal. Thus begun his double life; having one name at home and one at school and with his friends. I had known Brad for quite some time by his first name, (I'd post what it is but I've gotten a couple weird comments from people I don't know so really there's no need, most of you know it already) I'd even fallen in love with him by that name, when I found out that if things were to progress for the two of us that I would be calling him Brad. It was hard for me at first. I practiced calling him Brad with my mom but it was hard to put the name with his face. That was when I came up with a solution. A third name that had nothing to do with the other two.

I started out by suggesting actual names, ones that would make him seem real manly and sexy. Names like Arnold, Gaston, and Enrique. I wasn't serious; I wouldn't be able to call him Gaston without singing "No one spits like Gaston....... And every last inch of him's covered in hair!" I also would be tempted to call him Ah-nold and to bite a sausage every time I said his name. The only problem with suggesting these names was that Brad just agreed to them. He didn't mind. Whatever I wanted to call him was fine with him. I thought I'd push the envelope by suggesting names that made ME want to barf just saying them. "Sugar Plum" "Sweetie Pie" "Honey Bear" any cliche lovey name. But again, whatever I suggested was just fine with him. I finally suggested that I call him muffin with an implied "stud". Of course he was fine with that. I began telling people how content he is with whatever I wanted and that is how the name really began to take off. I have several family members and some former co-workers who have refered to him as Muffin for so long that I'm sure some of them have forgotten what his real name even is.

So the point of this story is, if you got a wedding announcement and labeled our gift with one name, and then began reading my blog and I said I was married to someone else, don't worry. It is still the same person and you aren't alone in being confused as to what his name is. So if you aren't sure what to call him, you can always fall back on Muffin.

On a side note: I also love a good jiffy muffin........ or costco muffin...... or pretty much any kind of muffin.


Noelle said...

HA HA HA HA. oh amy. this was a great post. I won't think you're married to three guys...promise!...then IS utah...

Unknown said...

I love your blog. I browse it ever month or so and see what is happening to you in your life. Great story about the name muffin. I was one of those who never knew what to call him, but I am now content and I can pull muffin out whenever I need to.

Cassandra said...

I love it...I was also confused maybe as to what his name was really. I got it now, and as a side note, my mom called me muffin (as in a cute little girl) for the longest time. I like it better when you use it to describe your hubby!