I grew up in a great neighborhood. I always had a lot of friends to play with growing up. Yesterday I had the opportunity to get together for dinner with 4 other girls that I grew up with. Some of these girls hadn't seen each other since we graduated over 4 years ago. When we were younger we had the tradition of eating at Brick Oven every year for Jessica's birthday. Since her birthday happens to be coming up this next week we decided we should all meet at Brick Oven to celebrate and just enjoy each others company.
Since this is a flashback post I figured I ought to have a picture of us when we were youngsters, so here are a few that include 4 of the 5 of us at my 6th birthday party.

This is Jessica P, me, Becca K and Tabitha B.
(Becca is busy being preggers in Rexburg so she couldn't come to dinner.)

This is Tabitha B, Becca J, Jessica P, Kayla B, me, Nate (playing my jumpstick like a flute), Beth T, Katie T, and Becca K all posing with the gifts I received for my 6th birthday.
Now here are the 5 of us all growed up!

Here's Tabitha B, Katie T (now C), Jessica P, Caroline W, and me.
Man they all grew up lookin' good..... I should have done my hair so I could look like I fit in. They are great girls and it was so good to see them all again. I can't wait to get together and have another girls night soon! Oh and Caroline if you feel bad I'll find an embarrassing photo of you to add cause you know I have them!
i dont feel bad... i'll just put up pics from my 9th birthday... or a birthday party you werent invited to haha.
how friggin fun that you all got together!
more than slightly jealous! i haven't seen nina in YEARS!
so this isn't really about your post, more of a reply. But yeah, I'm a terrible cook and need lots of ideas so her blog is great!
AMY!!!! I found your blog through tabithas. How are you? I love your blog! I was browsing through and saw that picture of your long long long hair. I totally remember that! you look great!
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