Ashley tagged me on this post and I don't wanna pack.....
Rules: "Once you've been tagged you're supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person that tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to learn more about you." (I'm not tagging anyone..... but if you want to do it, it was a good way to waste several hours......)
1. I love to learn, especially about historical events or social issues. This is why I was a social studies major. My biggest problem is remembering things once I've learned them..... Some day I'll learn how to do that.
2. I love to travel. Part of that love goes back to my love of history. I love going to a place and learning about things that have happened there.
3. I hate standing in one place. If I have to be still I'd much rather sit. This is part of the reason I don't like to cook. Too much standing in one place.
4. I was born in Colorado but my family was just waiting for me to come so they could move to Utah. They left Colorado the day of my 6 week check-up. So when I'm famous and Colorado tries to claim me you will all know that my true "hometown" is Provo.
5. I finished the first grade at Caroline Brevard Elementary school in Tallahassee Florida. My family lived in Tallahassee for just under a year while my dad did a sabbatical at FSU.
6. I might be a legal midget. I'm not entirely sure to be honest. Some people say if you under 5 feet you are considered a legal midget, in which case I would be. The only reason this would matter is because people have told me I would qualify to get a handicap parking pass.
7. I lied on my drivers license and said that I was 5 foot because I don't want the debate of whether or not to get a handicap parking pass. I am capable of walking, so I will walk.
8. I kissed a boy when I was in kindergarten and my brother saw. My family has never let me forget it.
9. I think I'm funny. I feed off of people laughing at me. Sometimes people are laughing AT me but I can't tell so I just keep going...... so don't laugh at me unless I'm actually funny, it just encourages me.
10. I have really short legs. Everybody knows I'm short, but really my height deficiency is all in my legs. I have the torso of a normal sized person.
11. I collect best friends. I love having friends and I don't think you can have too many best friends. So if you are my friend chances are I've given you the title of "best friend from ____" at one point. This is why I didn't have bridesmaids. Too many best friends.
12. I'm pretty sure I survived my freshmen year of college eating only fruit snacks and easy mac. I've asked my roommates if I ate anything else and the only other thing we could think of was the occasional granola bar. No wonder I lost the freshmen 15 instead of gaining it. (I've found it since then though.....)
13. I love buying coffee table books. Especially ones with pictures of places I've traveled to.
14. My favorite television show when I was younger was "This Old House". I even told people I was going to be a carpenter when I grew up. I still love watching home decorating shows and dream of some day being able to decorate my own!
15. I worked in Alaska for a summer. I absolutely loved the experience even though it had it's moments that weren't too pleasant. I would totally live in Alaska during the summer, but I couldn't survive winters there.
16. I went to a concert with my family when I was probably about 7 years old. It was hosted by the local oldies station and it was a woodstock-esque concert. (It was actually called Live-stock) There were lots of crazies at that concert and that was the day I learned what french-kissing was.
17. My senior year of High School I was able to sing in Carnegie Hall with my school choir. I've also toured Europe with a band/choir performance group. Even after those opportunities I'm still not convinced I'm necessarily a good singer. Decent, yes. Good...... maybe.
18. I was once the primary chorister. Right after that in a new ward, they made me the ward choir director. Leading the primary and leading adults are very different callings that require very different skills. I was not qualified for either job, but I don't think anybody quit the church because of me...... that counts as succeeding right?
19. I graduated High School with a 4.0 gpa. I had a teacher who threatened to give me an A- just so that I wouldn't stress out about getting a 4.0. I cried. When it came time to apply for college I got the absolute minimum score to recieve my scholarship. I only scored moderately well on the ACT and so my gpa was my saving grace and that one A- would have been the difference between a full tuition and half tuition scholarship.
20. I thought maybe I only got good grades because I didn't push myself in high school, but I graduated college Magna Cum Laude. 3.81! Not bad for college.
21. My favorite colors are black and hot pink. I used these two colors for my wedding colors even though I got married in December. I don't like how these two colors have become Emo or whatever trend it is that uses black and pink with skulls. (even though I love pirates.....)
22. I love pirates. My favorite holiday is National Talk Like A Pirate Day. (sept. 19th) My first date was in celebration of NTLAPD. We dressed our dates up like pirates and then went to ARRRby's for dinner. After dinner we roasted SmARRRRR's and then watched hook. Sept. 19th is also my best friend from high schools birthday. Fitting, since my love for the golden age of pirates only grew while driving in her car, the green pearl, with her by my side.
23. Growing up my mom always made breakfast for our family and we always ate together. Tuesdays was pancake day, Thursday was french toast day, and Saturday was waffles. Every other day was cold cereal but she always had the table set and cereal ready to be served. Brad doesn't really eat breakfast so I haven't done the same but I plan on doing the same for my children.
24. I don't love vegetables. For most of my life if it was green I probably wouldn't eat it. I'm growing up now and can handle a larger number of veggies but I still don't really enjoy eating them.
25. I love my family. No matter what my brother says, I do look up to him. He's a very funny and completely random guy. Some day he's going to be great at whatever he decides to do. I have the smartest, prettiest, taller little sister. As I've grown up I've found that she is one of my best friends. I hope she doesn't hold it against me that I used to make her do everything for me.... I was just teaching her to serve others. My mom is my best friend that trumps all other best friends. (remember I have lots.....) I hope that some day I can be as good of a mom as she is. I wish I had known my older sister better before she passed away. There is only so much you can remember when you are 4 years old. But I bet she's somewhere painting beautiful pictures and making people smile.