I wont title this flashback Friday because it is Monday and that would be a lie. Plus all I've done lately is flashbacks because I don't have time to write except on the weekends. But I thought today I would tell you all about my weekend. My grandmother has a timeshare at the Island Park Resort in Idaho and so we go up there for a weekend at the beginning of every October. So on Friday we were able to leave as soon as Brad got off work and drive up, stopping at my cousins reception in Idaho Falls, and arrive at the condo around 11. We spent most of Saturday in Yellowstone playing and hiking and then Sunday we were able to kick back and relax, listen to a little conference and feed some ginormous fish. I love going up and I love the feeling in Island Park. There are so many memories that I have up there, and I look forward to it every year. I could probably write almost 20 flashback posts about it since we go every year, but I wont. Some of you that read this have come with my family to the condo before and you know that it is one of my most favorite places in the whole world. So now you can enjoy a nice picture of Brad, Erin (my sister) and I at Old Faithful. This picture was snapped online from the webcam that is located in a tree near the geyser. I know we're small but that really is us.

1 comment:
we were just there a month ago how fun! we actually weren't that impressed with Yellowstone (growing up next to Bryce Zion and Grand canyons! hey its good to stop by and say hi once in a while!
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