I love my mom. A lot. I talk to her on the phone pretty much every day. I thought I'd share a few of my favorite things about my mom. I had a hard time thinking of what to share so I decided I would find some pictures of her and write about the things I love relating to those pictures.

My mom is helpful. I've never been able to pin flowers on my dates and even at my wedding my mom had to help me out with the corsage. I didn't even have to ask she just does it for me. She's like that with most things in my life.

She's beautiful. She has never been overly concerned with her appearance but she is beautiful without trying.

She lets us eat ice cream for dinner. When we were growing up if my dad wasn't home for dinner and she didn't want to cook we would have popcorn and milkshakes. She would always say "Don't tell Grandma Ginny I let you do this." (I'm pretty sure I've had cookies for dinner with Grandma recently...) We both have the same favorite food. Food someone else made.

She will play statues with me. This was in the middle of the British Museum but she still was willing to pose like the statue for a picture. (I know we are real rebels!)

She loves me. Even when I make faces like the one featured above. She loves all of her kids actually, but mostly me. She is the greatest. She took a month off of work to run around Europe with me. We both managed to pack in just a carry on suitcase. It was a once in a lifetime kind of experience. There was a time when I wasn't sure if I would ever get a chance like that with my mom. She very nearly died once. That's a story for another time though. She really has worked hard to help me achieve my dreams and my goals but has still never given up her own to do so. I love her lots and lots!
Since I got married I now have a new mom and I love her lots and lots too. I'm lucky to have in-laws that are so great and that love me so much!
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