Wow almost a whole week without a blog from me!? I must have actually been doing stuff. First off I would like to share some pictures from the activity I attended last Saturday.
That's right we attended Oktoberfest. Brad loves Bratwursts so the drive up to Snowbird was worth it for him and his dad. I had a good time eating my potato pancakes (read: hashbrowns) while we listened to some German music. Afterwards, we looked around at the booths selling handmade jewelry and clothing and watched a yo-yo champion.
When we were done wandering Brads family decided they wanted to go down the zipline. If any of my blog readers happened to be at 5th grade camp with me back in the day they might remember me sitting in a tree for a half an hour crying before someone finally pushed me out of the tree down the zipline. Another experience that my family member blog buddies may remember is a family reunion at Brighton Girls Camp where again I cried for a good amount of time before I finally went down the zipline. Well I decided I would go with the zipliners and face my fear. I clung to the handrail all the way up the tower but once I got to the top the ride workers told me they would give me 3 seconds to cry or wet myself. As they pushed me out the door the operator told me to aim for the grass if I fell. I didn't fall and I didn't cry or wet myself so all in all I'd say it was a good day.

So that was Saturday's activities. Sunday we went to our ward for the first time. It was strangely difficult to figure out where we were supposed to go to church, but we finally got it figured out. After that I drove to Logan and stayed with my aunt and uncle for a couple nights while I had orientation for student teaching. It was so weird seeing people that I wont be seeing all semester. I felt like everyone should be WAY super excited to see me because I don't even live there. The problem was that nobody knew I didn't live there. Since it was the first day of school many people were back from the summer and they weren't surprised to see another friend so I made sure to tell everyone how lucky they were to see me in Logan.
The orientation was pretty boring and I didn't feel I learned anything more than I'd already been told. The only thing that was any different was that they changed the teacher I'd be working with for student teaching. I was a little upset at first but now that I've met the new teacher I think I'll be just fine. When I got back from the orientation I went to the school and got things kind of figured out there. I don't just take the class over right away so I probably wont have any teaching stories real soon but I'm sure I'll post them as they come.
Did you drink lots of beer at Oktoberfest? And isn't it August?
aw Amy 5th grade camp!!! ha ha I have pictures of you and me from then! You may have cried over that zipline, but you were braver than me I didn't even go ha ha aw good times. I am glad we are blogging buddies :)
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