I feel like the praxis exam is not the best way to gage a persons teaching ability, seeing as how it is created by some test bank across the country. It is also hard to test someone on their knowledge of social studies, seeing as how there is a lot of history in the world and there is no way to know which history classes the person has completed. But no mater how I feel about the exam it is required that you take the exam to be able to teach anywhere in the United States.
I was required to take the Social Studies Content Knowledge test. Teachers also have to complete a "Principles of learning and teaching" test within the first three years of their teaching to advance to a level 2 teacher (whatever that means). I decided to just take the PLT test at the same time as the other required test so that I only had to pay the registration fee once. I figured that I would get a good feel for the test and then if I needed to take it again I would have 3 years to study for it. I took both tests on April 26th. It was a long day and I was pretty stressed out. I thought I was stupid for taking 2 tests that you can't really study for on the same day.
So today I got my scores in the mail. I passed both tests. I passed them with flying colors in fact. I passed the PLT test so well that they sent me a certificate saying I was super awesome. It also means that I got in the top 15% out of anyone who has taken that test. It came in a big blue folder and everything. I'm so happy to be done with these tests and not have to worry about them anymore! Now all I have to do is student teach and I can officially be hired as a teacher!
Hey congratulations!!! That is awesome news. Look how smart youi are! You will have to tell me how you studied for it so I can do just as well next year!
Hooray for passing! I got my results back and passed both my tests as well, except remember how I took the wrong history test? I figure if I can take the wrong test and pass it I should ace the real one!
man you ARE super awesome. and I'm having a hard time dealing with the pressure to post from you! lets chat about books at lunch
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